2 min readDec 16, 2020


Will bionics dream of digital currency

. From 1983 Bruce Bethke wrote the word Cyberpuck in his novels, to today the game Cyberpunk 2077 has taken the world by storm. Cyberpunk culture has been popular for nearly 40 years. And its charm has not gradually disappeared, but has attracted more and more followers.

. When it comes to cyberpunk, people often think of a feasting, post-modern utopian apocalypse. In the setting of Cyberpunk’s story, there is always a “system” that controls most of the “ordinary”people, and the core of the work is the ordinary person’s counterattack against the system. Personal resistance to the system is actually a story that continues to happen now.

. “Cyberpunk 2077" game level designer Patrick Mills recently wrote in an article on Xbox Live: The world depicted in “Cyberpunk 2077" is a small group of giants who control technology and power, enslaving the whole to pieces. The story of the world, and most people live in endless poverty and violence. How is this world different from our current world? It depends on your own opinion.

. Cyberpunk has two cores, high-tech and individualism.

. And these two cores coincide with cryptocurrencies. When it comes to personal resistance to system control, it is hard not to think of Satoshi Nakamoto who hopes to create a cryptocurrency to break the economic system controlled by centralized giants.

. In 2008, he did it.

. Today, we launched the world’s first DAO community for cyberpunk culture fanciers. Cyberpunk1980s is a blockchain project that contains both DeFi and NFT. Every cyberpunk fancier can generate his or her own cyberpunk-style NFT card on the official website, which is unique and exclusive to you. Through the duel between cards, you can get our CBP token rewards.

. Do you want to create your own cyberpunk NFT card? Please click on the link and get started >>>

. For more information about the Cyberpunk1980s community, please follow us on twitter@Cyberpunk1980s ( )

. Cyberpunk1980s is a tribute and innovation.

. To all Cyberpunk culture fanciers, cryptocurrency believers and all rebels.




Welcome to Cyberpunk1980s. A community for Cyberpunk fanciers, NFT artists and crypto investors. Let's start the trip.